Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500U CPU @ 2.40GHz
# Core: 2
# Threading: 4
{"MachineName" -> "--", "System" -> "Linux x86 (64-bit)",
"BenchmarkName" -> "WolframMark", "FullVersionNumber" -> "10.3.1",
"Date" -> "January 31, 2016", "BenchmarkResult" -> 1.392,
"TotalTime" -> 9.945, "Results" -> {{"Data Fitting", 0.537},
{"Digits of Pi", 0.341}, {"Discrete Fourier Transform", 0.68},
{"Eigenvalues of a Matrix", 0.608}, {"Elementary Functions", 0.567},
{"Gamma Function", 0.467}, {"Large Integer Multiplication", 0.467},
{"Matrix Arithmetic", 0.334}, {"Matrix Multiplication", 0.754},
{"Matrix Transpose", 1.61}, {"Numerical Integration", 0.676},
{"Polynomial Expansion", 0.092}, {"Random Number Sort", 1.16},
{"Singular Value Decomposition", 0.765}, {"Solving a Linear System", 0.887}}}
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5550 @ 2.67GHz
# Core: 4
# Threading: 8
{"MachineName" -> "--", "System" -> "Linux x86 (64-bit)",
"BenchmarkName" -> "WolframMark", "FullVersionNumber" -> "10.0.2",
"Date" -> "January 31, 2016", "BenchmarkResult" -> 1.332,
"TotalTime" -> 10.388, "Results" -> {{"Data Fitting", 1.059},
{"Digits of Pi", 0.507}, {"Discrete Fourier Transform", 0.545},
{"Eigenvalues of a Matrix", 1.001}, {"Elementary Functions", 0.389},
{"Gamma Function", 0.66}, {"Large Integer Multiplication", 0.668},
{"Matrix Arithmetic", 0.536}, {"Matrix Multiplication", 0.408},
{"Matrix Transpose", 1.022}, {"Numerical Integration", 1.002},
{"Polynomial Expansion", 0.136}, {"Random Number Sort", 1.159},
{"Singular Value Decomposition", 0.651}, {"Solving a Linear System", 0.645}}}
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5607 @ 2.27GHz
# Core: 4?8?
# Threading: 8
{"MachineName" -> "--", "System" -> "Linux x86 (64-bit)",
"BenchmarkName" -> "WolframMark", "FullVersionNumber" -> "10.0.2",
"Date" -> "January 31, 2016", "BenchmarkResult" -> 1.056,
"TotalTime" -> 13.103, "Results" -> {{"Data Fitting", 0.962},
{"Digits of Pi", 0.648}, {"Discrete Fourier Transform", 0.6},
{"Eigenvalues of a Matrix", 1.076}, {"Elementary Functions", 0.481},
{"Gamma Function", 0.874}, {"Large Integer Multiplication", 0.916},
{"Matrix Arithmetic", 0.706}, {"Matrix Multiplication", 0.541},
{"Matrix Transpose", 1.485}, {"Numerical Integration", 1.342},
{"Polynomial Expansion", 0.14}, {"Random Number Sort", 1.542},
{"Singular Value Decomposition", 0.878}, {"Solving a Linear System", 0.912}}}
Model Name: iMac
Processor Name: Intel Core i7
Processor Speed: 3.1 GHz
# Core: 4
# Threading: 8
{"MachineName" -> "--", "System" -> "Mac OS X x86 (64-bit)",
"BenchmarkName" -> "WolframMark", "FullVersionNumber" -> "10.3.1",
"Date" -> "January 31, 2016", "BenchmarkResult" -> 1.985,
"TotalTime" -> 6.975, "Results" -> {{"Data Fitting", 0.689},
{"Digits of Pi", 0.295}, {"Discrete Fourier Transform", 0.369},
{"Eigenvalues of a Matrix", 0.474}, {"Elementary Functions", 0.506},
{"Gamma Function", 0.353}, {"Large Integer Multiplication", 0.33},
{"Matrix Arithmetic", 0.632}, {"Matrix Multiplication", 0.259},
{"Matrix Transpose", 0.726}, {"Numerical Integration", 0.62},
{"Polynomial Expansion", 0.086}, {"Random Number Sort", 0.819},
{"Singular Value Decomposition", 0.435}, {"Solving a Linear System", 0.382}}}
Model Name: iMac
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 3.06 GHz
# Core: 2
# Threading: 2(?)
{"MachineName" -> "--", "System" -> "Mac OS X x86 (64-bit)",
"BenchmarkName" -> "WolframMark", "FullVersionNumber" -> "10.0.2",
"Date" -> "January 31, 2016", "BenchmarkResult" -> 0.613,
"TotalTime" -> 22.586, "Results" -> {{"Data Fitting", 1.713},
{"Digits of Pi", 0.67}, {"Discrete Fourier Transform", 1.548},
{"Eigenvalues of a Matrix", 1.356}, {"Elementary Functions", 2.113},
{"Gamma Function", 0.768}, {"Large Integer Multiplication", 0.769},
{"Matrix Arithmetic", 2.632}, {"Matrix Multiplication", 1.646},
{"Matrix Transpose", 1.804}, {"Numerical Integration", 1.949},
{"Polynomial Expansion", 0.267}, {"Random Number Sort", 1.669},
{"Singular Value Decomposition", 1.992}, {"Solving a Linear System", 1.69}}}
raspberry pi 2
# Core: 4
# threading: 4(?)
{"MachineName" -> "--", "System" -> "Linux ARM (32-bit)",
"BenchmarkName" -> "WolframMark", "FullVersionNumber" -> "10.0.2",
"Date" -> "January 24, 2016", "BenchmarkResult" -> 0.029,
"TotalTime" -> 475.891,
"Results" -> {{"Data Fitting", 10.904}, {"Digits of Pi", 4.805}, {
"Discrete Fourier Transform", 30.977}, {
"Eigenvalues of a Matrix", 35.914}, {
"Elementary Functions", 25.479}, {"Gamma Function", 6.437}, {
"Large Integer Multiplication", 6.735}, {
"Matrix Arithmetic", 6.07}, {"Matrix Multiplication", 151.389}, {
"Matrix Transpose", 7.202}, {"Numerical Integration", 11.684}, {
"Polynomial Expansion", 1.086}, {"Random Number Sort", 8.376}, {
"Singular Value Decomposition", 75.031}, {
"Solving a Linear System", 93.802}}}
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1680 v3 @ 3.20GHz
{"MachineName" -> "--", "System" -> "Linux x86 (64-bit)",
"BenchmarkName" -> "WolframMark", "FullVersionNumber" -> "10.4.1",
"Date" -> "June 1, 2016", "BenchmarkResult" -> 2.06, "TotalTime" -> 6.721,
"Results" -> {{"Data Fitting", 0.568}, {"Digits of Pi", 0.293},
{"Discrete Fourier Transform", 0.274}, {"Eigenvalues of a Matrix",
0.78}, {"Elementary Functions", 0.209}, {"Gamma Function", 0.395},
{"Large Integer Multiplication", 0.389}, {"Matrix Arithmetic", 0.214},
{"Matrix Multiplication", 0.282}, {"Matrix Transpose", 0.611},
{"Numerical Integration", 0.705}, {"Polynomial Expansion", 0.098},
{"Random Number Sort", 0.984}, {"Singular Value Decomposition", 0.589},
{"Solving a Linear System", 0.33}}}